Dryer on fire Is a local business based in the Boise, Idaho area. We are dedicated to keeping families safe, and protecting their properties in all of the Treasure Valley. Dryers unnecessarily fail or become a fire hazards due to negligence or ignorance to what’s inside their clothes dryer and exhaust vent.

Over Time, an excessive amount of lint will accumulate in the dryer cavity, and can settle on the components, heater coils, and burners, and create a potentially devastating situation. This condition may be the leading reason for dryer failure, and performance issues as well. Dryer On Fire specializes in dryer vent cleaning, and dryer cavity cleaning. We also do Appliance repair, and central HVAC system air duct cleaning and air purification.

Our Slogan has become, “A minor fix to avoid a major catastrophe” for a reason. Perhaps its time that you find out what’s lurking within your dryer, and dryer vent!! We are here to answer any questions!! Thanks for coming to the Dryer on Fire website.

FEMA says there are around 3000 dryer fires that cause home fires every year. There is more like 17,000 dryer fires that are isolated to the cavity of the dryer. It is important that people not ignore regular maintenance for the dryer fire prevention.